The First Experimental Observation of Ultrametricity

Ultrametricity is a fundamental mathematical concept that describes a particular metric space in which every triplet of points in the space forms an isosceles triangle. The ultrametric space differs from the usual Archimedean metric, where three points are allowed from any triangle.

Ultrametricity is the topology of hierarchical architectures. Examples can be found in taxonomy, where phylogenetic trees are ultrametric, mathematics with p-adic numbers, geography for measuring landscape complexity, and physics, where complex systems have intrinsically an ultrametric structure.

The Noble Prize Giorgio Parisi demonstrated this within the theory of spin glasses, where the overlap between spins exhibits ultrametricity, with the mathematical solution given by the full replica symmetry breaking.

An experimental demonstration of this is still lacking due to the difficulty of finding measurable physical observables.

In 2015, we introduced random lasers as photonic counterparts of spin glasses, and we demonstrated the replica symmetry breaking by directly measuring the overlap between spins, known as the order parameter in the description of glass phase transitions.

In the work, we clearly show the hierarchical organization of the overlap matrix reproducing the Parisi Ansatz, and we experimentally prove the ultrametric nature of the replica states.

For the first time, we measure the distance between any three replicas forming a triangle, and we report the growth of the distribution of isosceles tringles when the system enters the glassy regime. This is an unambiguous way to demonstrate ultrametricity and has been previously done only in numerical simulations.

In addition, from the hierarchical structure of the spin states, illustrated as dendrograms, and the distances between replicas, we attain the first topological energy landscape of a complex system from experiments.

The great potentiality of our research is the ability to access measurable spins from emission spectra and to quantify the overlap parameter. Random lasers are photonic spin glasses, as they manifest a clear phase transition from a paramagnetic ordered state to a glassy disordered one by increasing the system’s energy. Thanks to this powerful asset, we demonstrate the ultrametricity of the replica space. We report the experimental energy landscape with a topology that changes from a flat large basin to the coexistence of many metastable minima and the braking of ergodicity in the glassy state.

Fully Programmable Spatial Photonic Ising Machine by Focal Plane Division

Ising machines are an emerging class of hardware that promises ultrafast and energy-efficient solutions to NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems. Spatial photonic Ising machines (SPIMs) exploit optical computing in free space to accelerate the computation, showcasing parallelism, scalability, and low power consumption. However, current SPIMs can implement only a restricted class of problems. This partial programmability is a critical limitation that hampers their benchmark. Achieving full programmability of the device while preserving its scalability is an open challenge. Here, we report a fully programmable SPIM achieved through a novel operation method based on the division of the focal plane. In our scheme, a general Ising problem is decomposed into a set of Mattis Hamiltonians, whose energies are simultaneously computed optically by measuring the intensity on different regions of the camera sensor. Exploiting this concept, we experimentally demonstrate the computation with high success probability of ground-state solutions of up to 32-spin Ising models on unweighted maximum cut graphs with and without ferromagnetic bias. Simulations of the hardware prove a favorable scaling of the accuracy with the number of spins. Our fully programmable SPIM enables the implementation of many quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problems, further establishing SPIMs as a leading paradigm in non von Neumann hardware.

Observation of 2D dam break flow and a gaseous phase of solitons in a photon fluid in PRL

We report the observation of a two-dimensional dam break flow of a photon fluid in a nonlinear optical crystal. By precisely shaping the amplitude and phase of the input wave, we investigate the transition from one-dimensional (1D) to two-dimensional (2D) nonlinear dynamics. We observe wave breaking in both transverse spatial dimensions with characteristic timescales determined by the aspect ratio of the input box-shaped field. The interaction of dispersive shock waves propagating in orthogonal directions gives rise to a 2D ensemble of solitons. Depending on the box size, we report the evidence of a dynamic phase characterized by a constant number of solitons, resembling a 1D solitons gas in integrable systems. We measure the statistical features of this gaseous-like phase. Our findings pave the way to the investigation of collective solitonic phenomena in two dimensions, demonstrating that the loss of integrability does not disrupt the dominant phenomenology.

Deep Learning Enabled Transmission of Full-Stokes Polarization Images Through Complex Media

Polarization images offer crucial functionalities across multiple scientific domains, providing access to physical information beyond conventional measures such as intensity, phase, and spectrum of light. However, the challenge of transmitting polarization images through complex media has restricted their application in optical communication and imaging. Here, a novel approach utilizing deep learning for the transmission of full-Stokes polarization images through scattering media is presented. It is demonstrated that any input polarization image can be reconstructed in a single shot by employing only an intensity sensor. By supervised training of a deep neural network, high-accuracy full-Stokes reconstruction is achieved from the speckle pattern detected by an intensity camera. Leveraging the deep learning based polarization decoder, a polarization-colored encoding scheme is devised to enable increased-capacity data transmission through disordered channels. Fast, wavelength-independent, on-chip, polarization imaging in complex media enables the utilization of polarization-structured light in multimode fibres and opaque materials, unlocking new possibilities in optical communication, cryptography, and quantum technology.

Tensorial flow of mosaic beams in PRL !

Optical beams with nonuniform polarization offer enhanced capabilities for information transmission, boasting increased capacity, security, and resilience. These beams possess vectorial features that are spatially organized within localized three-dimensional regions, forming tensors that can be harnessed across a spectrum of applications spanning quantum physics, imaging, and machine learning. However, when subjected to the effect of the transmission channel, the tensorial propagation leads to a loss of data integrity due to the entanglement of spatial and polarization degrees of freedom. The challenge of quantifying this spatial-polarization coupling poses a significant obstacle to the utilization of vector beams in turbulent environments, multimode fibers, and disordered media. Here, we introduce and experimentally investigate mosaic vector beams, which consist of localized polarization tesserae that propagate in parallel, demonstrating accurate measurement of their behavior as they traverse strongly disordered channels and decoding their polarization structure in single-shot experiments. The resultant transmission tensor empowers polarization-based optical communication and imaging in complex media. These findings also hold promise for photonic machine learning, where the engineering of tensorial flow can enable optical computing with high throughput.