Call for abstract : Deadline 31 January
The study and exploitation of disorder is a vital research area in the broader field of material science. Structural and compositional randomness is ubiquitous in nature, and is often key tool for specific purposes, as mimicry or colouring. The benefits of disorder are a useful guide in engineering, and in visionary developments of novel advanced materials with unexpected and surprising properties. The general subject of disorder is rapidly emerging into an area of interdisciplinary scientific interest, which is, however, still in its infancy.
To accommodate these developments, the purpose of the inaugural
Disordered Materials 2019 (DisoMAT) conference is to bring together
experts from various scientific communities, e.g. the natural science
disciplines biology and physics, and material scientists and engineers to
advance the field of disorder in material science by combining fundamental
and applied research with emphasis on multidisciplinary approaches
and processing routes. Contributions from the fields of theoretical,
computational, and applied physics, theoretical and experimental biology,
and optics and photonics are envisioned to be combined. The development
of novel approaches and design routes to realize tailored disorder in
materials will be one of the main topics of this conference.
The inaugural Disordered Materials 2019 conference will have a special
focus on disordered materials in optics and photonics. It is by now accepted
that optical media do not necessarily have to be regular. Quite in contrast,
photonic materials with a deliberately introduced disorder in their respective geometries and compositions show interesting novel and tuneable unforeseen properties. These aspects shall be showcased at the conference.
International experts will give keynote/invited lectures about applications
in nano-optics and -photonics, in biology, and materials science. Thus,
the three-day conference comes up as a discussion panel for researchers,
manufacturers, and users of materials with interesting novel and tunable
properties. During the conference, the best three posters will be honored.
The Disordered Materials 2019 conference will be held from 24 to 26. September 2019 in Potsdam, the city of palaces and gardens, Germany.
We cordially invite you to join the Disordered Materials 2019 conference,
to share your experience in disordered materials with your fellow colleagues and to enjoy the very beautiful and special atmosphere during our conference.