Non-Abelian Quantum Walk and Entanglement

Non-Abelian evolution is a landmark in modern theoretical physics. However, whether non-commutative dynamics significantly impact the control of entanglement and transport in quantum systems is an open question. Here, we propose to utilize non-Abelian Thouless pumping in one-dimensional discrete-time quantum walks in lattices with degenerate Bloch bands. We show how the interplay of non-commutativity and topology enables geometrically protected quantum coins and shift operators. Different classes of tunable protected quantum walks arise by composing different non-Abelian pumping cycles. Surprisingly, the walks break parity symmetry and generate a dynamic process described by a Weyl-like equation. The amount of entanglement can be varied by acting on the initial conditions. The asymptotic statistical distribution and features are determined by closed-form analytical expressions and confirmed numerically.
