EIC Project HEISINGBERG launched !

The EU project HEISINGBERG has started!

This project is funded by the EIC-Pathfinder initiative of the European Innovation Council for innovative Quantum technologies.

The project leverages our Spatial Ising Machine (SPIM) device and aims at a new generation of programmable and quantum annealers.

For details, have a look at the HEISINGBERG website.

HEISINGBERG logo and website

See also

Inverse design of high-dimensional quantum optical circuits in Nature Physics !

Programmable optical circuits are an important tool in developing quantum technologies such as transceivers for quantum communication and integrated photonic chips for quantum information processing. Maintaining precise control over every individual component becomes challenging at large scales, leading to a reduction in the quality of operations performed. In parallel, minor imperfections in circuit fabrication are amplified in this regime, dramatically inhibiting their performance. Here we use inverse design techniques to embed optical circuits in the higher-dimensional space of a large, ambient mode mixer such as a commercial multimode fibre. This approach allows us to forgo control over each individual circuit element, and retain a high degree of programmability. We use our circuits as quantum gates to manipulate high-dimensional spatial-mode entanglement in up to seven dimensions. Their programmability allows us to turn a multimode fibre into a generalized multioutcome measurement device, allowing us to both transport and certify entanglement within the transmission channel. With the support of numerical simulations, we show that our method is a scalable approach to obtaining high circuit fidelity with a low circuit depth by harnessing the resource of a high-dimensional mode mixer.


Highlight in Phys.org

See also Quantum Gates by TensorFlow and Reservoir Computing

Localization in Quantum Field Theory for Inertial and Accelerated Observers

We study the problem of localization in Quantum Field Theory (QFT) from the point of view of inertial and accelerated experimenters. We consider the Newton-Wigner, the Algebraic Quantum Field Theory (AQFT), and the modal localization schemes, which are, respectively, based on the orthogonality condition for states localized in disjoint regions of space, on the algebraic approach to QFT and on the representation of single particles as positive frequency solution of the field equation. We show that only the AQFT scheme obeys causality and physical invariance under differentomorphisms. Then, we consider the nonrelativistic limit of quantum fields in the Rindler frame. We demonstrate the convergence between the AQFT and the modal scheme, and we show the emergence of the Born notion of localization of states and observables. Also, we study the scenario in which an experimenter prepares states over a background vacuum by means of nonrelativistic local operators, and another experimenter carries out nonrelativistic local measurements in a different region. We find that the independence between preparation of states and measurements is not guaranteed when both experimenters are accelerated and the background state is different from Rindler vacuum, or when one of the two experimenters is inertial.


Hyperscaling in the Coherent Hyperspin Machine in PRL !

Classical and quantum systems are used to simulate the Ising Hamiltonian, an essential component in large-scale optimization and machine learning. However, as the system size increases, devices like quantum annealers and coherent Ising machines face an exponential drop in their success rate. Here, we introduce a novel approach involving high-dimensional embeddings of the Ising Hamiltonian and a technique called “dimensional annealing” to counteract the decrease in performance. This approach leads to an exponential improvement in the success rate and other performance metrics, slowing down the decline in performance as the system size grows. A thorough examination of convergence dynamics in high-performance computing validates the new methodology. Additionally, we suggest practical implementations using technologies like coherent Ising machines, all-optical systems, and hybrid digital systems. The proposed hyperscaling heuristics can also be applied to other quantum or classical Ising devices by adjusting parameters such as nonlinear gain, loss, and nonlocal couplings.


See arXiv post

Dawn and fall of non-Gaussianity in the quantum parametric oscillator

Systems of coupled optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) forming an Ising machine are emerging as large-scale simulators of the Ising model. The advances in computer science and nonlinear optics have triggered not only the physical realization of hybrid (electro-optical) or all-optical Ising machines, but also the demonstration of quantum-inspired algorithms boosting their performances. To date, the use of the quantum nature of parametrically generated light as a further resource for computation represents a major open issue. A key quantum feature is the non-Gaussian character of the system state across the oscillation threshold. In this paper, we perform an extensive analysis of the emergence of non-Gaussianity in the single quantum OPO with an applied external field. We model the OPO by a Lindblad master equation, which is numerically solved by an ab initio method based on exact diagonalization. Non-Gaussianity is quantified by means of three different metrics: Hilbert-Schmidt distance, quantum relative entropy, and photon distribution. Our findings reveal a nontrivial interplay between parametric drive and applied field: (i) Increasing pump monotonously enhances non-Gaussianity, and (ii) Increasing field first sharpens non-Gaussianity, and then restores the Gaussian character of the state when above a threshold value.
